Saturday, July 08, 2006

And no, I don't know what I'm doing...

Astro advice from the pro:

Saturday, 8th July 2006

ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20)
Your week ahead: Do you know what you are doing? Does anyone? We all have hidden agendas. We all kid ourselves about our true motives. We all act unconsciously from time to time. Those who feel sure that they DO know what they are doing are the greatest self-deceivers. Those with enough humility to acknowledge that they don't know, have the best chance of actually finding out. Maybe you don't know what you are doing now - but that's good. Better yet, you know what you are NOT doing. Pluto’s harmonious alignment to Mars is enhancing your discrimination; you are thus very safe and very deserving of success.

Hmm, lets see.
I have 10000+ things on my plate - shooting my friend Ren's film next week (I have not even seen the story board)
- have 300+ photos to pshop for my friend Pete who just got engaged (they want me for the wedding in November)
- I hate my new camera - it's giving me attitude - focus is soft, metering off. I am debating whether the investment was worth it or should I have just suck with repairing my already wonderful little workhorse?
- I have so many deadlines for contests and reviews that they all seem to be slipping away so fast.
- i am overweight, and bloated, have found new deep furrows in my frown lines on my forehead
- have been hiding from everybody - no return phonecalls or emails. Just hiding in my little house, afraid of the damaging rays of the sun, worried that my moles will someday turn into skinflaps of cancer cells
- I feel like i am slowly losing direction in my life, and realize that time is slipping by so quickly.

That's not to mention that mom's hair is falling out and that we have to go wig shopping next week.

She's being so stoic and a true blue trooper.
Here I am, cowering behind my computer, thinking my life is gonna crasha and burn while my mother deals with the side effects of having raidoactive liqud poison pumped into her veins.

I dreamt of my great grandmother the other night. She looked good.

The old country saying - "when you dream of dead people it's because they want your prayers"

I wonder if that is their way of doing "the pop in" just to let you know that they are thinking of you?

Hi Babka, and Bob and Starachek...

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