Sunday, November 13, 2005

Is It Art?

Is it Art?
I don't know but it never ceases to amaze me how some people who call themselves "Artists" manage to get away with this crap!! And the place where this is being exhibited is no shabby location either!! For people like me, it's out of MY LEAGUE, so how this guy got his shit in, I have no clue and am even more convinced that there is no justice in the world and we are all taking the express train to hell where Tammy Faye Baker and John Tesh are the new Rock and Roll gods...



Waxing, shaving and plucking one’s pubic hair is the new branding... or so posits Éric Ladouceur. The local artist cynically figures that today’s young people express their identity through pubic grooming in that same way they do by sporting, say, a Nike or Puma logo on the outside of their trousers. With this in mind, Ladouceur drew a handful of clothes company logos that use animal shapes, glued pubic hair to them and termed his installation, Le règne animal. It’s at la Maison de la culture Frontenac (2550 Ontario E.) until Dec. 4.

I mean, c'mon, can somebody please give this guy a penny so he can buy a clue and get a normal hobby?!?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could take your ass to the show and see for yourself what might be the clue of a depilatory mode. Or maybe using a good tv show title as a personal blog is the sign of a lack of substance and culture!!!