Tuesday, September 11, 2007

it's everywhere...

Another family member has cancer.

Does cancer run in my family, or are we all victims to the chemicals around us?

Mother (melanoma) - currently in remission
Father (Bladder) - currently in remission
Grandmother (mother's side) - brother - lymphoma -currently in remission
Grandfather (mother's side) bladder (RIP)
Great Grandfather (mother's side) liver/lung (RIP)

and the latest and most devastating:
Aunt (mother's mother) - liver cancer/possibly pancreatic
Pancreatic being one of the most deadly.

I was close to my aunt when I was a kid. She was the only family I had. My father's side all lived in Vancouver, and we lost touch after the divorce. My cousin (my aunt's daughter) is the little sister I never had.

They are all in Calgary now - which seems so very very far away now.

All that butterfly shit seems so incidental now, and just questions remain as to why this happens to so many people.

and why...

all this on the anniversary of September 11th.

So many people dying/dead - such a senseless reason

May God bless them all.


Eric Hancock said...

I'm so sorry to hear that; cancer is such a frightening thing. My best wishes for your aunt.

hellophotokitty said...

Thank you Eric, you're very sweet to come by and visit my blog, and your kind words are very comforting in our time of sadness.