Friday, November 21, 2008

the storm before the storm

things have been happening at lightening pace - many good things, but too many bad things as well...

mom is going in for round two of treatment, and the first one was so brutal, it makes me weep thinking about how hard it was for her.

I'm not sure how much longer I can last - this front of calm and strength.

The foundations are already cracked - the storm is coming. Flood waters rising...

my own health is going down the tubes. I fear that I might be developing a heart arrhythmia. I don't want to involve my mother in this. She is having enough of a hard time with life now.

It just keeps coming.
And it does not stop.

but either it will, or my body, or I will.

Or my will to fight it all.


patrick said...

I know it does very little good to say, "Be strong!", Kathy, but be strong; as strong as you're able.

Auvery Eva said...

It's hard when you feel you've got to keep going/keep a brave face especially when there is crumbling in the foundations. But maybe sometimes we have to crack and split open, the strength comes from allowing yourself to feel the grief/sadness/anger....of course I am really telling this to myself. Someone got a bit cross with me a while ago saying it's no good going abouit with a smile on your face when you are crying inside, because no-one will know and you will be even more isolated. Guess this blogging lark helps sometimes!!
best wishes

hellophotokitty said...

Thank u patrick. I'm trying...

Auvery Eva - thank you for your kind words - so very touching, and make so much sense.