Saturday, October 17, 2009

nyak, nyak nyak nyak...

I'm feeling quite pissy with a twist of pms-y so it could get ugly at any point today: i can be a total he-bitch and roll up my sleeves and have a good old fashioned stand off with anybody who crosses my path.

Funny, i completely forgot to gloat about my burst of ball busting attitude that seemed to come out of nowhere a few weeks ago when that trash can of a bimbo blonde twig catapulted her Tim Hortons full cup of coffee on the back bumper of E's car. What the hell was she doing walking TOWARDS a car that was OBVIOUSLY BACKING UP!?!?

after I heard the thud, i rolled down the window as she walked by and out of my mouth came: "and what's your problem bitch?!"

I could hear E's chin hit the steering wheel after i said this.
"What the fuck? You were backing up into me?"
"Well, you are not supposed to walk INTO cars that are BACKING UP! Open your eyes woman!"

That really came out of nowhere - this wind of salty gumption, but shit, it felt awesome.

And as we pulled away, she hobbled on her 10 story stilettos into the loblaws, waving at us sarcastically. I smiled and gave her the finger.


It's good to dust off the shoe treads of people who trample on my head every now and then.

1 comment:

Jallen Dragonhide said...

I'm way too nice to assholes too. Once in a great while I have good outbursts like that.. But not this good. :)