Wednesday, June 23, 2010


when it rains it pours.

Once again - the cancer word enters my life

barrett's esophagus  = "we have to keep an eye on this because it could become cancerous"

You have a hernia.


Kidney stones - "we can't do anything until then - but you need to be aware because the chances are high you might have an attack..."

"and well, there is nothing we can do for your pain."

Thank you very fucken much.

Waited almost two hours to hear this.

my body realignment session was very troubling.
Lots of things going on in my uterus (no, not a baby, but apparently, some deep seated emotional traumas that i had in my childhood) and heart and head.

Too many emotions, too many symptoms, too many things.

Oh back, don't break on me now, because this is just the beginning to the summer of pain, stress, and overall hell...


Fran said...

warm blessings and healing vibes - so sorry to hear of all the diagnoses. that barette's thing i never had heard of before now and GERD i understand well. love to you.

hellophotokitty said...

Thank you Fran :-))))