Thursday, March 04, 2010

Haitian art fun

somebody put a $10 bid on my photo.
What a surprise that was.
I was not expecting anything at all.

anything I can get for my art these days (attention wise) is a bonus.

I'm thinking of hanging up my camera for a while. Along with my writing cap, and rest of my tools of the trade.

Life has become overwhelming. The pain and ache of regret and sadness is suffocating me. Lead feet, alcaline mind, eyes suspended in acid. My medications have once again, begun to crap out on me.

Bipolar is not a myth.
Bipolar is not something one can "just snap out of"
Bipolar is my mental cancer.

Depression actually kills your heatlhy braincells.

Cancer of the mind...

and the medical mystery lives on.
The pain - two months and still no answers.
Go ahead, cut me open and poke around my insides.

I'm already bedridden most of the time, so this will be a walk in the park compared to what I've been through...

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