Monday, May 30, 2005

The director's chair.

This is from a fellow director friend of mine - his name is thedak and his website is here. His stuff is amazing - someone to watch for (he might kill me for doing this, but what the hell, we artsy fartsies have to stick together). I plan to link to some new tallent that I find on flickr to spread the message around - good art like this has to be seen... Posted by Hello


angel-A said...

hi Kitty!
thanks for the link!
i loved his moody frog series - a nice chance to look at myself from outside and smile. i'm moving to summer blog. i'm sending you e-mails. soon. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hello Kitty!

You are so amazingly supportive. Thank you so much! And the gratitude doesn't end here... i've yet to sit down and formally thank you for that incredulously helpful mail you sent...



hellophotokitty said...

Angel A!!
I have been thinking about you!! Thank you for the song! Sorry I have not replied latley - crazy insanity! I hope you are doing better my dear!

Thedak!! It's my pleasure! I think you are an amazing photog! I'll be looking forward to your email!!

Gama - are you talking about flickr? It rocks!

Meadow said...
