Friday, March 18, 2005

And so it's news because someone from The Sopranos has it!??

This freaked me out tonight.
A news headline on Yahoo:

Sopranos Psychiatrist Gets Tough on Depression

And what is the big deal? Ooooh! What a strange yet paradoxical paradox!! The shrink on the the Sopranos - Lorraine Bracco gets depressed in real life!! How fucked up is that??!!

Well! Let me tell you! Its not half as fucked up as having to go through it yourself, not having millions and easy access to HMO's and real shrinks as these people in Hollywood do - real life in my life is being dragged through the failing system and end up being shoved around, almost to every hospital after a suicide attempt only to have them tell you: "You're not being seen by a psychiatrist? Well, we can't give you anything more than a tranquilizer."
"So let me see a shrink!"
"Well, the waiting lists to see one is between 8 -14 months..."
"So meanwhile, while I slowly lose my mind?..."
"Yes, just take these pills and if it's not better tomorrow, contact your family doctor..."

Yep, life is easy when you have lots of money...

Bracco admits she suffered through a full year of what she calls "joylessness" before seeing her own doctor for help against depression.

Oh honey, joylessness? You gotta be kidding me? How about feeling sickness, feeling like your skin is covered in 10000 ants - nessness, or feeling like the whole world is out to kill you -nessness. I only wished to feel 'joylessness'. For me, that would have been happiness.

"I was doing what I was supposed to be doing, but I wasn't experiencing it. Whatever I had to do -- whether it was being interviewed, or a movie premiere, or making oatmeal for the kids in the morning -- I did it, but without any sense of fun."

I read this and I almost had a stroke because I was laughing so hard and so short of breath. Lady - when is making oatmeal for the kids supposed to be fun?? And you complain about THAT??? Why don't you complain about something real, like crying for 5 hours straight in a cationic state where your only way out of it was sleep? Why don't you consider 'non-fun' being completely out of control in both body and mind, running out into the middle of traffic at rush hour just so you can end the unbelievable frustration and hopelessness you feel that you are being shafted by the system as you are being swept under the rug? Fun... Bitch, I would have traded my left ovary just to be able to feel that waking up in the morning was not going to be the challenge of my life...

Depression gets a hold on you, and the longer you wait, the harder it is to get out."

I don't believe you wrote that. You must have a bi-polar publicists.

That type of denial and procrastination is typical of many depressed individuals, said psychiatrist Dr. Patrice Harris, who is working with Bracco and drugmaker Pfizer Inc. on a campaign and Web site ( that urges people to spot depressive symptoms early and seek out care.

Denial? Procrastination? Typical? You are such a greedy corporate fuck. Pfizer - go figure. Monsters. Making prozac and having a monopoly on the formula so no 'generic' pills could be made so people who eat bread for their three meals a day so they can actually afford them? Denial? I was not in denial when it would cost me close to $300/month for prozac that I had to cough up out of my own savings because I didn't have any kind of health plan? Denial over the withdrawal symptoms of some of your 'so called' ani-depressants? Hmm, lets see, suicidal tendencies, nausea, paranoid thoughts, depression, anxiety? Hmm, I wonder if those kids that were being taken off their meds and committed suicide after it was found that the pills were creating more harm than good to their already fragile system??
Think about that one Doc...

As far as researchers can tell, much of the biology of depression relies on an imbalance in amounts of a specific brain chemical called serotonin. While psychotherapy can help fight depression, medications called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) try to re-balance serotonin levels, and thus correct the problem. SSRIs include drugs such as Celexa, Paxil, Prozac and Zoloft.

Drugs such as (names like ripyouoff, robyoublind, lifefuckerupper and makeyouworse) correct the problem... NOT!

Beginning this spring, antidepressants are to begin carrying a "black box" label warning of the potential suicide risk among children and teens.

Geee guys, you're so considerate! Thanks for the warning labels. Now only the handful of families who lost their children because of your 'warning of so called risks' will be the only losers in this whole campaign.

'For me, it was one of the most important decisions I made, I just regret not going for help earlier," she said. "I suffered for a year -- why?" says Bracco.

Ms. Bracco, welcome to the world of mental illness where stigma, fear and ignorance roam free amidst the land of corporate greed.

"Depression is scary to people, they're afraid and I really want to help lift that taboo," Bracco said, stressing that Zoloft is just one of many SSRIs with proven effectiveness. "If one doesn't work for you, there are others."

Okay, I take it back, maybe you are not such a greedy rich bitch after all, maybe you really did suffer, but I still think it's your publicists that is telling you to say these things...

In the meantime, Sopranos fans across the country may be feeling a little blue missing their weekly dose of Tony, Carmella, Paulie, Silvio and the gang.


This stuff really stirs my cauldron.
Sorry for the rant.

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