Friday, April 21, 2006

End of week 1

I am so exhausted right now.
We just got through week one - and when I say 'we', it means the whole truckload of us.
Mom, E, Bettee and myself.

waiting and doctors
white hallways and stale sandwitches
hand disenfictant and doctors, nurses, volunteers
and sick people
so many sick people with cancer.

It was really hard to wrap my head around how many people were having various kinds of treatment for cancer - new ones every day - never the same one twice.

She's feeling flu-ish as to be expected.
Yesterday was such a good day, she wanted to go shopping with me.
And today we walked 8 long blocks just because she felt like walking.

The side effects are cumulative so she is expecting the heavy stuff to rear it's ugly sickly head in the next two weeks.
- don't be a fortune teller! You don't know that for sure, and the doctor said that Alpha Interferon has different side effects for everybody.
- have you had your 3 liters of water today?
- are you doing your 'positive imaging" ? Zapping those cancer cells in your body with Lady Pac Man sized interferon interceptors?

now I feel like the mother.

Weary and worn, but hanging in.

Got two cinematography jobs lined up for me late May into June. Short stints - but the # 2 one has a HUGE French Canadian singer/actor attached to it. I think this is gonna be the director's big break.

Hell, he met me for the first time, I agreed to be the Director of Photography for a 48 hour short film festival marathon and won 2nd prize for best technical achievement.

This could be the start of something big...

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