Friday, July 04, 2008

bang on and peel my skin away

sure, this applies to everybody and anybody that is an aries - but how he hits it bang on is besides me...

Aries Horoscope for week of July 3, 2008

Verticle Oracle cardHere's the first rule of panning for gold: Go to a slow-moving stream where flecks of the precious metal have been found by others in the past. The second rule is this: Although gold is carried along by the current, it's heavier than water and thus rarely appears right on the surface. Look deeper. A third pointer is that if you do ultimately find substantial treasure, it'll be because you will have gradually accumulated a number flakes and nuggets over an extended period of time. You've got to be patient. Now, Aries, apply everything I just said to your search for metaphorical gold.

and then further down the page...

Notice how you feel as you speak the following: "The strong, independent part of me resisted the embarrassing truth for a long time, but I finally came to accept that I'm someone who craves vast amounts of love. Ever since I surrendered to this need, it doesn't nag me all the time, as it used to. In fact, it feels comforting, like a source of sweetness that doesn't go away. I never thought I'd say this, but I've come to treasure the feeling of having a voracious yearning to be loved."


Anonymous said...

I think it could apply to a little Leo as well...

hellophotokitty said...

when is your birthday my dear? SB soon!