Monday, December 04, 2006

Re: Question

more delightful spam -a -lam!

Re: Question

Which cougar go michele

One has to wonder if Limbaugh continues to self-inflate that ego in order to gai...


Re: The section

That go procedure

Nor does visiting the country transform someone into an expert.

whose name and Let me, for he may establish my that thou plucked

or cotton

Re: And office

The space you are trying to view might not exist or access to it may be restrict...

and on his my cause their brethren and more

irregularly onwards

You okay


Anonymous said...

There was a recent news story which said that 90 percent of all email is now spam.

And increasingly it seems like it's impossible to even understand what they're trying to sell.

And most spam is now sent by ghost armies of thousands of hijacked computers whose owners don't even know they are doing it.

Perhaps it can be taken as the latest sign that computers, which humans designed to serve them, are increasingly building a world of their own...

hellophotokitty said...

perhaps there will come a day when spam will be a new language, spoken by children in schools - their own dialogue where "increase your penis size" will mean: "so did you get the new nintendo game? Did you play it on the weekend?"