Sunday, November 11, 2007

I had sumbitted my work to both of these books - both submissions
dealing with depression and my struggle with manic/depression and the
way I have translated that into photography.
These can in the mail today.Needless to say,
because of my mood lately, they did not sit well
in the mind of this
cloudy head.

: the flickr book

Im sorry to tell you that we cant accept you into the book group.
It was capped at 65 women weeks ago and voting on
has already taken place.

Sorry. There will very likely be a book 2 and you will be

able to sign up for that at fspasg shortly.


I want to thank you all for your contributions to Invisible Fire
Journal. I'm sorry that they will not be published
because the magazine
has gone bankrupt. My apologies.

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