Monday, November 19, 2007

water aqua agua l'eau


i love dreams of water, especially when the water is clear and keeps me bouyant

this morning's dream was such a dream...

It was understood that I was in Cuba, but it looked like some west coast glacial lake bed. The water was beyond turquoise - almost pale baby blue with flecks of garnet
does that make sense?

It was noon - the sun was midpoint in the sky, and it was a beautiful July afternoon.
I was in my kitchen, sitting at my stove, completing some paperwork (bills no doubt...) when the sweet tangy salt air sifted through my window screen from the back porch.
how could I resist?

so I got my stuff together, (had my bathing suit on underneath) and hit the road for the beach.

Unlike the last dream with water, one side of the road was flanked with cars - a highway (a coastal highway is what they call it - DUH!!). The water was on my left and industrial din on my right. There was a small sidewalk path that I followed as the cars zoomed by at top speeds - dry dusty ocean spray caressed my bare skin. Abrasive, but I knew I was getting close to my final destination.

The metal jungle turned into Northern Canadian brush as the pavement turned into solid mud road tracks. I could see the lake - so calm, so clear - a bottomless pit of serenity waiting for me to float inside of its watery palm.

As I approached, I heard a group of teens laughing and horsing around near the shore. There was no real shore per say, just a dive off point - edge of flat land banked against the sea. I used a small enclave of broken tree trunks and branches to lower myself down into the water. It was warm, but not hot - body temperature; like moving into a thick fog of soap.

At first, I seemed to struggle, as if there was something pulling me down - thinking I was going to drown, but the more I kicked my legs, the farther my body was propelled horizontally until I glided away from the group to a spot where time and physical space stood still. It was sublime - as if in a dream, or death...

Flipping on my back, and with long strokes, my arms pushed the water away from my hips, shoulders and thighs while my legs, alternating wisps against each other seamlessly left a trail, growing circle of waves where my toes were.

Confident with my ability to stay afloat, I dove underneath the wooden enclave into a deep part of the ocean where the silence pressed against my eardrums and eyes adjusted to being open to this vision of paradise.

All I could see was this heavenly turquoise! That alone was worth the two hour walk! The water was not too clear, but not thick and milky either.
Hmm. In a non-scientific comparison - I would have to say it was about 50% weaker than skim milk.

On one hand, my logical mind expected there to be some density - the water was devoid of any sea life or plankton. Just clear - and as the sun shone directly into it, the rays, like golden fingers, poked through to the bottom, staggering faint patterns of light and dark as if I were swimming underneath a healthy thick lawn in May.

Getting back to the group, I felt refreshed and rejuvenated - a feelign and state of mind which has eluded me for many years.
Oh! To feel that again in real life!!!

I went back, diving in and out of the water - a porpoise alone in the open sea. It was beyond sublime. Beyond anything I have ever imagined, it was heaven.

I glided back to the grassy bank, proud of myself - that I was able to swim alone, dive into the deep, to find out that it was not dark and murky after all, but as light as the water close to the surface.

I was proud. I was at peace.


My grandmother said a quirky thing yesterday:
you know, in my dreams, I don't see M in any of them. I see all the other children and family, but not her. I wonder why?

I didn't want to say anything about my dream a month ago, of the old native woman who criticized me for my actions and life choices. Perhaps that was just a residual memory ingrained in my subconscious of the last time we spent time together (when she did criticize me harshly. I don't blame her or hold any resentment. I knew that she was wrestling with her own inner demons at the time as I am now, so there is a deep understanding there, but at the same time, thoughts if that it really was her coming to me in my dreams?)

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