Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I'm lost. I'm afraid.

this is an image from my film - now close captioned.

This is a letter to a friend I wrote today.

I'm so sorry that I have not been in touch lately. My mind is about to explode as I am swinging between celestial highs (which the good parts don't last too long - damn) to the sewage scraping lows.

It's scary as hell and I'm on my way to get my period, which I know will either make me end up in the hospital from hysteria or so tranquilized on drugs that all I will be able to do is shit and sleep.

Few are my options now as my life hangs in the molecular balance of pills that are supposed to keep me from the celestial highs and sewage scraping lows.

I can't tell you how odd it was to see my film again on the big screen. I thought it would hit me full force - seeing what I lived through 20 years ago, only to now go through it again, but I did something smart: I hid behind my camera, taking quick snaps of my images, now close captioned.

It's only now I realize that my 1000$ chunk of carbide and glass was what kept me from falling to 1000 pieces.

I must make this quick - I have an appointment with my acupuncturist. He's my only holistic hope - 1000 pins into this deflating body, trying to re-arrange my energy, and put out the fire in my liver.

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