Friday, January 14, 2005

Dueling confessionals

This is a photo from one of my short films. Now this is a creepy confessional booth! And Gama - I bless you ;-) Posted by Hello

1 comment:

hellophotokitty said...

Actually, that is my actress, who looks like me! It was really weird becasue everybody mentioned that when they saw the film. I guess subconsciously I picked her becasue of that as well as becasuse she was a good friend. The Priest however, ended up in an X-Files episode!! He gets killed off in the very begining (you know, that 3 minute clip before they start rolling the intro credits) but it was a scream! Everybody from my school called me that night to say:'HEY! YOUR ACTOR IS ON X-FILES!!!'

Yet another freaky Sienfeldesque coincidence!!