Monday, June 02, 2008

canon muscle

canon muscle
Originally uploaded by hellophotokitty

the other night, I broke out my camera and took it for a spin.

It's been a long while since I decided to take some self p's - have not been inspired and too tired to do anything creative. Having a bag of wigs handy always seems to do the trick, as some much deserved and needed me alone time.

mucho mucho

I guess what prompted this shoot was the realization that I'm actually going to new york in two weeks - and my self portraits are going to be on display - up for a month to potentially hundreds and hundreds of people to see.

that blows my mind out to space and back.

So I thought I'd be true to myself again - return to my photographic roots and turn the camera on myself once again to see what I could come up with.

The rest of the shoot was not as successful as I hoped it would be, but it was a start - a re-start of sorts.

Have been going to the gym like a madwoman. if I miss a day, I feel clumsy and foggy. Despite the fact that I have been pushing myself past my normal threshold of pain, I don't want to skip any sessions.

Today, my legs were shaking and knees throbbing but I ran through the pain. I will be cursing tomorrow, but it's now become my mantra, the gym, my holy place where I cleanse the body as well as the mind...

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