Tuesday, June 03, 2008

vroom vroom

had my first driving lesson today - didn't kill anything, didn't run into any parked or moving cars. All in all, it was not a bad experience. Two hours went by pretty fast, and my driving instructor is even tempered and kind. Exactly what I need...

I had to buy these cheapo gaudy Liz Taylor meets Paris Hilton sunglasses at a corner store, because when I left in the morning, it was drizzling and cloudy. My luck - had left the shades at home only to step out from the metro to a blazing hot sun.

So I looked like Liz Taylor/Paris Hilton fashion accident.

pretty funny, but it did the job - and for 7$ the shades were a steal.

next lesson 2mrw -another 2 hours followed by a doctor's rv, and then acupuncture, topped off with a gym visit.

Went today - felt like crap at first. Thought that I was going to pass out - needed a sugar fix. Got some glucose tabs which perked me up enough to get some basic cardio. Once the adrenaline was pumping, I got down to businesses - some serious weights.

And I always get such a kick out of being tiny and wiry and strong as hell.

I don't look like I can leg press 200 lbs, or bicep curl almost 20 lbs, but I can and do. I snicker to myself as i see all the eyes of the dudes watching me - not understanding how a tiny redhead can lift so much at one time and not break a sweat.

And when I really want to push myself, I hit the upstairs where in the back is a small free weight area and mirrors. There I can make all the grunting and scrunchy faces I want and nobody will see me.

Yea - I might be vain - so sue me.
No pain, no gain, but vain is sometimes a sane game.


Getting silly and loopy.

No time for brain aerobics...

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