Tuesday, June 03, 2008

the world is an open door, and slightly out of reach...

the world is an open door, and slightly out of reach...

Set up a situation that presents you with something slightly beyond your reach.

~ Brian Eno

I received news today that my frames reached their proper destination in New York unbroken and looking marvelous.

The reality is starting to set in.

Something that I had only dreamed about a few years ago is actually taking place.

I had set up this situation - this ideal situation (showing in a big well known gallery) which I believed to be out of reach, but eventually made it work for me.

I took bold steps, chances and gambles, and walked confidently into situations constructed by myself - eyes open, soul open and the universe has rewarded me.

On my birthday, I promised myself that it was imperative to seize more opportunities, take greater risks and trust in a greater force to be my guide - in the grand scheme of things, i would ultimately let life work through and with me.

So one week and one day to my New York trip, and life around me is slowly falling into place - one piece at a time.

one glorious miraculous piece at a time...

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