Sunday, June 08, 2008

color mundo

I'm off to take some photos of Alex at Colormundo.

always a fun event.

being the official photographer is a nice title as well.

my camera is making funny noises again, and that worries me.

but then again, if something happens, there is always B&H around the corner from where we are staying...

and driving - I need practice.

Mom is not feeling well, working Monday so that leaves me without her help.
E is nervous (as always) and especially cause this car is about to turn into a piece of turd at the blink of an eye, he is soooo paranoid that I will crash the car.

"and so if I do, what's gonna happen? You need it for work and that way you can ask your boss for a raise to get a new one. A raise that has been, oh, what, five years in the making/waiting?"

But that's just me being bitchy and pro-active...
ha ha ha

but I will try my best to take hold of the wheel and steer that baby to freedom.

besides, highway driving is a cinch. Did it in Vermont and loved it - the freedom of the open road, the smell of the pines in the green mountains filling my lungs, some hip* tunes blaring out the windows...

what more could a girl ask for?

no comment...

*lori, I'll be thinking of you when I do this.. ;-)

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