Sunday, February 20, 2005

This is just too funny!

This is from Charlotte - one of the producers of the play. This girl is a complete scream to being with, but when this email came in at 4:30th this morning, I was on the floor heaving becasue I was laughing so hard! And the classic, is that when I spoke to her this afternoon, she had no recollection of what she wrote in the email.
A beautiful peice of work - unedited, unspell checked. Hysterical. Absofuckenlootley hysterical. I will be looking for some of 'those' emails I have sent in the past and post them here too. Does anybody have a crazy incoherent drunk/stoned email that they would like to share??


I love it you're so funny. Yeah, Igot home late agaIN. BDAY PARTY and then I wnet tp a local pubby thing and ran into so many peop;e I know, but obviously can'ta spell at hiis pooint in theeevening. fuck spell checkk, fun em all, woo hoo, hyea so htat was me as I cralwelled out at fouir somethin' heh, i can still contact. that'as right I kinda got it goin on, anyway, thought you might enjoy my sillyness, I'll espacand is you ask em to. and if you figure out what the hell I just speellled. okee dokee, I sweare, I am not a boosehounder.
alreight then. not makin ' any efforts anymore.

oh my gid will yousitlli respec tme inthe moninig.

1 comment:

hellophotokitty said...

Isnt it a scream? Every time I read it I laugh!! I love the part about not being a boozehounder! And the classic is she doesn't remember sending it or what she wrote!!! Gotta love those moments!